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Provincial Grand Lodge of West Kent
Robert Loyd Conclave No.229

The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre of St. John the Evangelist

Division of Kent

Red Cross of Constantine

As a Royal Arch Mason, you are now entitled to consider membership of the Red Cross of Constantine.

Why Constantine? Candidates in this degree recognise how Christianity can be embraced by seeing how the legend of Constantine's conversion is set within a Masonic ritual that is linked with the history of the Roman Empire.

This Christian Order is in two parts. The first part consists of the candidate's admission, obligation, and installation as a Knight-Companion of the Red Cross of Constantine, in which the ultimate aims of Freemasonry are revealed.

The second part consists of the ceremonies of the Holy Sepulchre and of St. John the Evangelist, known collectively as the Appendant Orders, in which this knowledge is further expanded. These, together with the Installation ceremonies leading to the two principle chairs in the Red Cross of Constantine, are among the most impressive in the whole of Masonry.

Robert Loyd Conclave meets 3 times a year (first Monday in April, June and December) at the Westwood Masonic Centre, Bellegrove Road, Welling, Kent, DA16 3RD

The Regalia of the Order for the first part consists of a red cross and a mauve sash, once the second part (KHS) has been completed a companion would wear (along with the red cross) a black/white sash and a KHS companions jewel.

Companions jewel Companions sash

KHS Companions sash KHS Companions jewel

If any Royal Arch Companion requires further information or is desirous of joining a friendly, relaxed and interesting order then they should contact the Recorder (Mr David Hudson) at Email: or look at the Divisional website at
First Wednesday in March (Installation)
Third Tuesday in June
Fourth Thursday in September
First Friday in December
Famous Masons